- Do you keep your doors locked at all times even when you’re home?
- Have you re-keyed your locks since you moved in?
- Do your doors have a wide-angle peephole viewer?
- Are all exterior doors solid core hardwood or metal covered?
- Are entrance doors equipped with 1 good quality dead bolts?
- Do you have 6 – 8 security strike plates?
- Is the strike plate reinforced with 3 screws that pass through the door frame and into the wall stud?
- Is the glass in outside doors shatter resistant?
- Do all out-swing doors have a hinge with a locking pin or non-removable pins?
- Does your door fit snugly in your door jam (e.g. within 1/4 inch)?
- Do you have a patio door bar fastened into both the frame and the door to securely lock the door?
- Have you inserted screws into the top track of your patio door to prevent it from being lifted up and removed?
- Do you leave your patio door open at night for ventilation, securing it with a patio door bar?
- Do not open your door to anyone you don’t know. Speak through the door
- Are garage doors closed and locked when not in use ?
- Does your automatic garage door opener use a
rolling code
system to preventcode grabbing
? - If the garage door is not equipped with an electronic opener, does it have heavy duty padlocks installed on both sides of the door?
- Is there a switch to shut off the automatic garage door?
- Is the door from the garage into the house equipped with a deadbolt and do you always lock it?
- Can the garage lights be turned on from inside the house?
- Do you have window security bars installed on your garage windows?
- Do you have your garage door opener in a non-visible spot in your vehicle – or ideally not kept in your vehicle?
- Do you remove your keys from vehicles parked inside your garage even if the garage is locked?
- Do you remove all valuables from plain sight in your vehicle?
- Do you have window coverings on all garage windows?
Install your house numbers on the front and rear of your house and ensure they are large, visible and well lit at night.
Trim trees and shrubs so doors and windows are visible to neighbors and from the street.
Report suspicious persons or vehicles immediately to the police.
Get to know your neighbors. – Join BLOCK WATCH.
Apartment Security
- Never allow strangers to enter your building without proper screening.
- Use the intercom wisely. If you do not know the person do not buzz the door. If someone claims to have a delivery for you or claims to be police go down to the lobby to let them in.
- Lock your patio door or windows when you are out of the room to prevent a cat burglar entering and stealing your wallet or purse.
- Use your suite door locks even if you intend to stay in the building or just take out the garbage.
- Don’t store valuables in storage lockers.