Tour de Rock Thanks you for a great 20 years!


Tour de Rock 2017 Cops for CancerDear Tour de Rock Family!

Thank you all for hosting such an amazing 20th year celebration and for the difference you make!

Thank you for the head shaves, the bbq’s, the dinners, the sponsorship, the bottle drives, amd everything!  Every cent  makes a difference.  Every cent will help a child  with cancer.

Thanks to YOU we raised over $1.3million dollars to directly help kids battling cancer. YOU made a huge difference!

The Canadian Cancer Society Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock is not about a bike ride, it’s about Vancouver Island coming together so no child faces cancer alone.

This amazing island-wide event relies heavily on the support from individuals like you in order to raise money for pediatric cancer research and support programs like Camp Goodtimes. Your support will make a difference to the lives of children and their families living with cancer.


Together, we will make cancer history. On behalf of the kids and their families that you have directly helped, thank you so very much!

Please watch this very special thank you video made by Tour de Rock rider Arnold Lim  click here

 Tour de Rock 2017 Cops for Cancer





Jan Buehler

Manager Annual Giving Vancouver Island

Canadian Cancer Society, BC and Yukon Division