South Cowichan Community Policing Advisory Society (better known as SCCPAS)

SHASCCPAS OfficeW TV promo (part 1)   SHAW TV Promo (part 2)
SHAW TV Promo (part 3)

The South Cowichan Community Policing Advisory Society (better known as SCCPAS) is a volunteer supported organization that provides South Cowichan residents with RCMP-supported educational programs, information and services with the common goal of achieving:
Safe Streets, Safe Homes,Safe Communities and
Safe and cared for Elderly and Seniors
.Community Info banner

In March, 1997 a Community Police Advisory Panel was formed. Interested Community Citizens started out with the best interests of the South Cowichan Community at heart, and the realization that the Police alone cannot maintain a sense of Community pride without the assistance of those who live in it and care for it”. (Quote from an article written to the South Cowichan Life in Feb 1998)

In June of 1998 the Federal Government announced Phase II of its Strategy including a commitment of $32 Million annually to assist communities throughout Canada to develop programs and partnerships that will prevent crime in the first place.

The key goals were:

  • To increase the development of broad, community-based partnerships that address local crime prevention concerns;

  • To increase public support of and support for crime prevention; and

  • To increase the capacity of diverse communities to address crime.

Sergeant Dave Free, NCO in charge of the Shawnigan Lake RCMP Detachment at the time, can be credited with spearheading efforts to get community policing off the ground.  He recruited Bob MacInnes, a long-term Mill Bay resident and community supporter. Bob ended up being the founding chair of what became known as the South Cowichan Community Policing Advisory Society.

The South Cowichan Community Policing Advisory Society (SCCPAS) was incorporated under the Society Act on January 12, 1999. The Society had 19 voting members and included this Board of Directors:

Patrick Hrushowy, Robert MacInnes, Reg Blackmore, Clyde Ogilvie & Shirley Walker

The second Thursday of each month the current SCCPAS board members meet at the Community Policing Office at 7:00pm.  The public are welcome to attend to discuss their community safety concerns.

If you have any suggestions, please email us – our Board are always looking to engage our community in different ways.

The Board of Directors for SCCPAS 2016

President – Shirley Walker
Vice-President – Greer Stewart
Secretary – Louise Patterson
Treasurer – Kim Wilkes
Director of Speed Watch – Jim Scott
Directors at large:  Chuck Felix, Tony Jackson, Steve Kruk, Tony Liddle, Louise Patterson, Bob Wallace & Kim Wilkes

Role Description’s for our Director’s Positions

South Cowichan Community Policing Advisory Society Minutes:

March, 2015 – April, 2015 May, 2015 – June, 2015July, 2015 – August, 2015

SCCP Constitution & Bylaws