Have you started a Block Watch in your Area yet?
The Block Watch program
- Fights the isolation and separation that crime creates and feeds upon,
- Forges bonds among area residents and businesses,
- Helps reduce burglaries and other crime,
- and improves relations between the police and the community they serve
The Block Watch Program was started in BC in 1986 in response to the concerns of citizens about crime. The program was modeled on a similar project in Seattle which was effective in reducing residential Break and Enters by up to 60 percent.
In 1993 the Block Watch Society was officially registered as a non-profit society. Since its inception the Block Watch Program of BC has been influential in reducing residential crime and promoting increased feelings of neighborhood security.
The main objective of the Block Watch Society of BC is to partner with communities to build safer neighborhoods by encouraging residents to take a proactive approach to crime prevention and safety. Through education on target hardening, property marking and reporting suspicious activity Block Watch provides a means for the community to take responsibility for its own safety by reducing the opportunity for crime.
Block Watch Member programs operate under the mandate of the Block Watch Society who in turn provide:
- Support, training, mentoring and materials to police agencies & community programs
- Coordinate the link of community programs to each other
- Provide ongoing training and sharing of best practices
- Work with police agencies to assist with problem solving, suggesting and supporting strategies for positive change
- Focus on reducing the risk of property crime – particularly residential and auto crimes
Block Watch operates through grants and donations.
Many insurance companies are recognizing the importance of being a part of a Block Watch and are offering a discount on Home Insurance for residents who are active members of a Block Watch. Call us 250-929-7222 to find out more about this and to become a member of this valuable community safety and awareness program.