Thank you and Congratulations

South Cowichan Community PolicingSCCPAS would like to say “Thank you” to Bob Wallace & Tony Liddle for their tireless volunteer hours in supporting the beginnings and growth of our office and representation in our community.  It is with such a full heart of gratitude that we must stop and say “Thank you Bob & Tony for all you have done, we truly appreciate you both”.
volunteer appreciation week
As mentioned by the Directors “they have served for many years and it is time to allow others to step up and support the South Cowichan Community Policing Advisory Society.”

We are pleased to introduce our New SCCPAS Directors for 2017/2018

Benjamin Brummett – Youth Director
Robert Collins – Shawnigan Lake Director
Andrew MacLaren – Malahat Nation Director
Lucas Mills – Cobble Hill Director
Lori Todd – Secretary/Mill Bay Director

President: Greer Stewart
Vice President: Tony Jackson
Secretary:  Lori Todd
Treasurer:  Diane McIntyre
Directors:  Benjamin Brummett, Robert Collins, Chuck Felix, Tony Jackson, Andrew MacLaren, Diane McIntyre,  Lucas Mills, Jim Scott, Greer Stewart & Lori Todd

As we continued to grow in our community so must our representation and I know that all of these who have stepped up will be such a huge asset to our Not-For-Profit Society and the South Cowichan Community.