Cops For Cancer Thank you Vancouver island!
Tour de Rock
Thank you Vancouver island!

Please click HERE to see a special video taking a look back at the 2018 Canadian Cancer Society Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock.
We want to thank each one of you for your support, your donation, for shaving your head, for organizing events, for volunteering, for everything!
Tour de Rock is truly Vancouver Island’s fundraiser, and the success we continue to have each year is because of all of you!
You have made a difference.
You have helped send over 9,000 kids to camp Goodtimes over the last 21 years.
Your support has allowed researchers to make significant strides in the fight against childhood cancer.
You have touched so many lives in a very positive way.
Thank you!
The 2018 Canadian Cancer Society Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock finished October 5 in Victoria, BC, where we announced our grand total of $1.23+ million! Thanks to you, in the last 21 years, together we have raised over $25 million to support children with cancer. We are Canada’s largest pediatric cancer research funder.
Please click HERE to see a special video taking a look back at the 2018 Canadian Cancer Society Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock.
Jan Buehler
Manager Annual Giving, Vancouver Island
Canadian Cancer Society
Email Tel 250-592-2244 Cell 250-889-5621 101-1537 Hillside Ave Victoria BC, BC V8T 2C1 Connect with us online | Facebook | Twitter | Youtube |