No one’s perfect, but everyone can be awesome.
On March 10th celebrate the awesomeness in yourself and in all the people around you. Celebrate the awesomeness in the small things in life.

March 10th is International Day of Awesomeness
The International Day of Awesomeness is a celebration of awesomeness. People are awesome every day, frequently don’t realize it, and their feats of awesomeness are rarely recognized. We aim to fix that, with a special day to both perform and celebrate feats of awesomeness!
What To Do
Celebrate the day by being awesome, performing feats of awesomeness, and by celebrating all things awesome. Get your friends together and think of some awesome things to do. Really get creative. Maybe you could climb a mountain, learn how to juggle, or skydive. Maybe you could spend the day volunteering at a soup kitchen or cleaning up garbage in your neighborhood. Perhaps you could set yourself on a path to learn a new sport, instrument, or language

The easiest way to celebrate The International Day of Awesomeness is to be awesome. You could organize a group of your friends to perform feats of awesomness with. You could write a post about someone you think epitomizes the ideals of awesomeness. Most importantly, The International Day of Awesomeness should be fun and not taken too seriously.