Police will be increasing enforcement throughout the province and our Cowichan Valley volunteers will be conducting “cell watch” deployments to remind drivers to leave the phone alone. For lots of information on how to help combat this see ICBC Distracted Driving Campaign

Be a Speed Watch Volunteer
Speed Watch is a community based program to help raise public awareness of speeding in school zones, playgrounds and other problem speeding areas and encourage slowing down for the safety of our community. It is sponsored by the Shawnigan Lake RCMP, ICBC, and SCCPAS.
Trained volunteers, deployed in pairs with the Community Policing van, using RADAR and an electronic display reader board. Help reduce speeding in your community … become a Speed Watch volunteer.
South Cowichan Speed Watch Team – Dont Push Your Luck

Distracted driving is now the second leading cause of car crash fatalities – ahead of impaired driving – and is the leading cause of rear-end crashes which often result in injuries. Our campaign includes enhanced enforcement and new education beginning September 5th, 2014.
Driving Behaviours Are Learned
Driving Under the Influence
Are you aware of the Facts?
Are you aware of the Penalties?