Shirley Walker Founding President of South Cowichan Community Policing Advisory Society
Celebration of Life for our dearest Shirley Walker
Saturday, November 16th, 2024
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
at the Cobble Hill Community Hall
3550 Watson Road, Cobble Hill, BC
Anyone who knew Shirley knows just how she put her all into Community Safety initiatives at South Cowichan Community Policing Advisory Society (SCCPAS). Shirley was loved and supported by everyone in the community, the Shawnigan Lake RCMP detachment members always brought a smile to her face when she seen they stop into the office.
Shirley was actively involved in building strong relationships with all our stakeholders, community members and anyone who had a passion for community safety. I remember when Shirley would stop people in the Mill Bay Centre and say do you live in the area, have you heard about community policing, would you like to support the safety of our community, then she would bring them into the office to get the signed up for Speed Watch, Free Friendly Phones (Seniors Wellness Program) or Block Watch.
Shirley had a smile that could be seen all over Mill Bay. Her heart for children, seniors, families and four-legged family was evident in all she did to advocate and kept her motivated for change.
Block Watch, Speed Watch, Friendly Phones and Positive Tickets were only a few of the core programs that motivated Shirley to have influence in her community where people lived, worked and played.
Her legacy for safety initiatives lives on in the lives and hearts of many. What an incredible woman.
I’m sure no matter who you talk to or who you connect with in our community if you mention Shirley’s Walkers name, they will have a story to share with you.
Thank you, Shirley, for all you contributed to our communities through Community Policing (SCCPAS), South Cowichan Rotary and SPCA.
You will always be in our hearts,
Staff and Volunteers of SCCPAS