
100 Years - We Remember November 11 - 11:00 a.m.

Canada Remembers - 100 Years Sunday, November 11th - 11:00 a.m. Cobble Hill Cenotaph - Remembering the Fallen Cobble Hill Cenotaph Community Hall, Cobble Hill Spectators are requested to be in place at their seats by 10:30am THE  BELLS …

Be Safe - Be Seen on Halloween

Are you Visible...Can you be Seen🔦 🔦 🔦on Halloween 🔦 🔦 🔦 Don’t be a monster behind the wheel this Halloween Trick-or-treaters may be walking in unexpected places like driveways, alleys & parking lots.…

Stomp Out Bullying - October is Bullying Prevention Month

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8th annual Blue Shirt Day, World Day of Bullying Prevention and kicks off National Bullying Awareness month. This global initiative to Stomp Out Bullying is so important. Bullying is right up there with Cancer on the list of things I would…

ICBC Shift into Winter Safety Driver

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    As a member of the Alliance, Mainroad South Island Contracting encourages everyone to shift into winter driving mode and prepare for the upcoming season. Don't wait until snow arrives.  Whether you're driving across town, or across the…