
100 Years - We Remember November 11 - 11:00 a.m.

Canada Remembers - 100 Years Sunday, November 11th - 11:00 a.m. Cobble Hill Cenotaph - Remembering the Fallen Cobble Hill Cenotaph Community Hall, Cobble Hill Spectators are requested to be in place at their seats by 10:30am THE  BELLS …

Be Safe - Be Seen on Halloween

Are you Visible...Can you be Seen🔦 🔦 🔦on Halloween 🔦 🔦 🔦 Don’t be a monster behind the wheel this Halloween Trick-or-treaters may be walking in unexpected places like driveways, alleys & parking lots.…

Operation Hang Up targets distracted drivers

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Operation Hang Up targets distracted drivers on Greater Victoria roads        

If you're looking at your phone.... you can't see the road.

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Government, ICBC and police tackle distracted driving Let's make B.C. distraction free! We've all seen distracted drivers checking messages at red lights, or worse. However distracted drivers are often our friends, family,…

Let's Make B.C. Distraction Free...!

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Tips for safe cell phone use Leave your phone alone. No call or text is worth risking your life or the lives of others. Let calls go to voicemail and ignore your notifications while in traffic. Remember using…


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Recently reported here in Mill Bay Calgary woman taken for nearly $10,000 in iTunes card scam How to protect yourself: Watch out for these five types of fraud By Emma McIntosh , Michael Lumsden , QMIAgency First posted: Wednesday,…