
100 Years - We Remember November 11 - 11:00 a.m.

Canada Remembers - 100 Years Sunday, November 11th - 11:00 a.m. Cobble Hill Cenotaph - Remembering the Fallen Cobble Hill Cenotaph Community Hall, Cobble Hill Spectators are requested to be in place at their seats by 10:30am THE  BELLS …

Be Safe - Be Seen on Halloween

Are you Visible...Can you be Seen🔦 🔦 🔦on Halloween 🔦 🔦 🔦 Don’t be a monster behind the wheel this Halloween Trick-or-treaters may be walking in unexpected places like driveways, alleys & parking lots.…

Don’t ruin the ​fun

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Winter holiday get-togethers, summer barbeques, and cool cocktail parties throughout the year are great ways for people spend time together while enjoying alcohol responsibly. Sadly, each year in B.C., 65 people die in crashes involving…

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

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The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women   http://www.swc-cfc.gc.ca/commemoration/vaw-vff/remembrance-commemoration-en.html December 6 is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against…

Plan ahead for a safe ride home

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Be somebody’s holiday hero and take your turn as the designated driver this year. If your plans involve alcohol, plan for a #SafeRideHomeBC http://ow.ly/tuZN30gU1Qj  If your holiday festivities involve alcohol,…

There is no excuse to drink and drive

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  Impaired driving accounts for 23% of crash fatalities in B.C. If your plans involve alcohol, always arrange for a #SafeRideHomeBC http://ow.ly/tuZN30gU1Qj   There’s no excuse to drink and drive. If your plans…

Have You Signed Save the Shawnigan Lake R.C.M.P. Petition

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https://www.mycowichanvalleynow.com/24461/save-shawnigan-lake-r-c-m-p-detachment-petition-going-victoria/ http://www.247extra.com/publications/2593/897-Juice-FM/comments/3426/ The Meeting is happening today with our President, Greer Stewart,…