
100 Years - We Remember November 11 - 11:00 a.m.

Canada Remembers - 100 Years Sunday, November 11th - 11:00 a.m. Cobble Hill Cenotaph - Remembering the Fallen Cobble Hill Cenotaph Community Hall, Cobble Hill Spectators are requested to be in place at their seats by 10:30am THE  BELLS …

Be Safe - Be Seen on Halloween

Are you Visible...Can you be Seen🔦 🔦 🔦on Halloween 🔦 🔦 🔦 Don’t be a monster behind the wheel this Halloween Trick-or-treaters may be walking in unexpected places like driveways, alleys & parking lots.…

Positive Tickets Grand Prize DRAW - Saturday, August 27th

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Positive Tickets  Grand Prize DRAW  - 12:00 p.m. on Stage see you there at the 107th Cobble Hill FAIR August 27th, 2016

Help Support SCCPAS - Come Get Your Thrifty Foods Smile Card

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We are Registered with the THRIFTY FOODS Smile Card Fundraising Program Stop by SCCP Office to pick up your Smile Card... every time you shop you give money back to support the continued safety of your neighbourhood by buying groceries at our…