Missing Cascadia Board from South End of Shawnigan Lake Road
Cascadia Board missing from south end of Shawnigan Lake, the board was on a
dock in front of the house. Unfortunately there was not a gate and it was close to the road. It went missing Sunday, June 26th between 5-6 Pm. There was only about 30 min where there was no one at the dock. The board is a Cascadia blue and white board. (My husband owns Cascadia and actually made this board) there are not many of this make and model on the market and it had a huge ding in the nose where I dropped it and fiberglass blob that we put on to fix it.
I got married on this board and it has huge sentimental value.
I filed a police report with the Shawnigan Lake RCMP file number 2016-1820
If found please contact either:
Aileen Fearman: 250-686-3481 or
Jeff Zamluk: 1-250-830-3825