8th annual Blue Shirt Day, World Day of Bullying Prevention and kicks off National Bullying Awareness month.
This global initiative to Stomp Out Bullyingis so important. Bullying is right up there with Cancer on the list of things I would like our kids and grand-kids to grow up without.
This time of year should be an exciting time for kids returning to school, seeing old friends and making new one, but for many that simply is not the case. Many children are being bullied on the playground, in the locker room, on the field and even on-line thanks to social media becoming such a staple in our everyday lives. There are kids afraid to go to school and afraid to be kids living their everyday lives for fear of being bullied and harassed on-line.
There is absolutely no reason for a person, no matter what age, to be bullied to the point that they try to hurt themselves or worse take their own life.
We as parents need to do our part to ensure we are raising decent human beings who do not take pleasure in tormenting others and we need to be aware of our kids on-line activities.
While wearing a blue shirt may not seen like much of an effort to make a positive change it really does help raise awareness and create conversation around a very important topic. This global initiative has empowered millions of students who are often silent to speak out and stand together to make their voices heard.
https://southcowichancommunitypolicing.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/SCCP_Logo_v2024-2.2.png00sccphttps://southcowichancommunitypolicing.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/SCCP_Logo_v2024-2.2.pngsccp2016-10-06 16:11:532016-10-06 16:11:53Stomp Out Bullying - October is Bullying Prevention Month