Emergency Preparedness – How Prepared are You…?

Local Emergency Response Neighbourhoods (LERN) Program
What is LERN?
Local Emergency Response Neighbourhoods Program provides neighbourhood communities with information, training, and skills to be self-sufficient for a minimum of 7 days following a disaster.
Now is the Time to Prepare
Experience shows that in a disaster, 80% of your help comes from your neighbours and that neighbourhoods naturally come together in times of crisis. There is an abundance of talent in every neighbourhood just waiting to be needed.
The LERN Program in Seven Simple Steps
- Talk to the neighbours closest to you (about 10 homes) and invite them to become prepared for emergencies.
- Call 250.746.2560 or email to ask for a presentation – this can be done in someone’s yard or home.
- Invite your neighbours to attend (flyers provided).
- Come and find out how to prepare and get your questions answered.
- Challenge each other to get prepared and share great ideas and finds.
- Map important information about your neighbourhood.
- Sign up for the free training provided and continue developing your community spirit.
Now you’re ready to help each other get through an emergency or disaster when it happens!